Thursday, August 9, 2012

farm:table, farmers market and Cody Chesnutt

it's been a mellow morning in sunny SF. Started the day off with breakfast at Farm : Table in the tenderloin with Glady. Strolled around the area and headed to the farmers market at the Ferry building. I love everything about the market on a Thursday. The crowds aren't overwhelming and you can really take your time with your produce. I came away with the good stuff: lemon cucumber, bell pepper disguised as an eggplant, sweet succulent tomatoes, and pastries galore. making myself a salad n pourin myself a glass of red (don't mind if I do)

 I've rid the apartment of excess flowers from this past weekend's madness. feels nice that I can take my time in the mornings and relax with lunch. I'm usually standing while I eat as I feel my time's always limited. Today's a nice reminder to just sit, let the time pass and unwind.

I woke up feeling extra excited for next week and music. Just found out one of my favorite musicians will be in town; (as he never is) Cody Chesnutt. Love that man. I tried enjoying him at Shattuck Down Low 5 years ago. He had a last minute cancelation and couldn't make his performance. His front man Martin Luther graced us with his music instead. It was nice surprise to the disappointment of Cody's absence. My bones are jones-ing with excitement for his man. He's just fresh to death real. He'll be at the Monarch this monday for a solo performance and an in depth Q and A. 

It's been la dee dah today before work and I'm lovin every minute of it.

Now, time for some tea and The Daily Love

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