Tuesday, July 3, 2012

head tilting laughs

Nothing better then sharing the laughs of some awesome kooky lady companions. You gottah love those. The kind of laughter where your tilting your head so far back your eyes lose all peripheral and all you can see are mouths bursting wide open with HA HA hoowey-ness. BIG LAUGHS. The ongoing kind where your stomach starts to happily ache a bit. 

This past sunday was filled with an abundance of head tilting laughs of all sorts. It also happened to be my best friend Apple's lil surprise boating venture. Apple's more then a friend, she's a down ass woman who I've always looked up to as an older sister (ironic since she's younger then I am). Amazing person who's doing great things in her life and soon for the animal world. Can't say enough good things about my favorite fruit. She's just all sorts of wonderful. 

Some pictures of our head tilting wonderful good times at Lake Chabot. I grew up in these neck of the woods, though I don't recollect to ever going here as a child. Beautiful trails all over. Will definitely be coming back soon. 

Her beau Martin carrying her into the van. blindfolded. oh yeaaah

still blindfolded

blindfolded amidst the pretty lake

Blindfold comes off

4 hours around the lake. The sun came for but a minute

the laughter was endless

the jokes were endless
head tilting laughs lasted for days
and days
plus all the quirk faces

and more laughs

we ended our getaway at the Movie Theatre.wasn't able to get a stripper for our little escapade, so we blindfolded her at the movies for Magic Mike. stripper success. yes indeed.

My face ached from enduring so much laughter.

It's been so long since I laughed so much, so hard.

In exactly a month Apple weds her beau. They'll become an amazing couple or fruity cocktail as I'd like to call em; The Apple Martini. It's going to be a vandahful intimate grand occasion.

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